
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Karma is a B…

Happy Tuesday, my centers of influence! Welcome to the day you realize that your life is in your control! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Karma! There is a universal law that says, ‘What goes around comes around.’ It’s been interpreted in different ways like… ‘You reap what you sow’ and ‘Do on to others […]

Daily Word: Never Stop Dreaming!!!

Rise, Grind, Shine, and Give Thanks! Welcome to the best week of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your dreams! They say what you can dream is real! They say that dreams and your imagination are the previews to life’s coming attractions… Sometimes they are wrong, but this time “They” are right on […]

Daily Word: Consequence Is No Coincidence!!

Happy Friday, my Choosers and Deciders! Welcome to the day of reckoning! The day we stop placing blame on other people, places, and things!! The day we take responsibility for the choices we make! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to consequences! Everything happens for a reason! Every action has a reaction! The life you are […]

MIXTAPE DOWNLOAD: Styles P's "The Diamond Life Project"

(AllHipHop News) Styles P, SP the Ghost, has returned to haunt the streets again with his new The Diamond Life Project, which he released for free download on   “The hardest out’s” Diamond Supply Co.-supported 11-track EP will hold over fans while they wait patiently for the D-Block and Wu-Tang Clan collaboration, Wu Block, […]

Daily Word: Please Stop Talking!!

Happy Takeover Thursday!! Welcome to the day that you begin to put your best foot forward, and turn your dreams into reality! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not talking! We all know that actions speak louder than words! We know that what people say is of no consequence, but what they do speaks the […]