
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Exercise Your Imagination!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Victors of Life! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it the best! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your imagination! Some think there is a difference between reality and imagination! Some believe that crossing the line between the two can be the difference between normal and crazy! […]

All Access Music's Winning Duo Buda Da Future and Grandz Muzik Talk DJ Young Guru and Big Payoffs

The All Access Music Conference or (AAMC) is a unique conference that combines music industry experts with up and coming musical talents to create a flavorful musical event peppered with education, excellence, and understanding for all involved. It is a rare conference in that it was formulated by veterans of various important major label enterprises. […]

Daily Word: Have Great Expectations!!

Happy Tuesday, my Dreamers and Doers! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Great Expectations! I often hear people say that if you expect nothing, then you will never be disappointed… In theory, that is true… When you look forward to nothing and nothing happens, you are not disappointed because you got what you expected! But […]

VIDEO: "Red Hook Summer's" Spike Lee Offers A Co-Sign for President Obama, Recalled Him Like "Black Jesus" in 2008

In an odd election season, where most voters seem to be heavily observant before speaking out in favor of a particularly candidate, the Hollywood set is finally getting involved. And, while some may say it definitely helps promote his new film, Red Hook Summer, Spike Lee has offered an impassioned endorsement for President Barack Obama’s […]

Daily Word: Live Stress Free!!!

Happy Monday, my great people! Welcome to another opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to having no worry and living a stress free life! Fear and Faith can never occupy the same space! It’s like oil and water! Those who truly believe in their power to change their circumstances […]

Daily Word: Choose Your Battles Wisely!!

T.G.I…….EVERYDAY!!! Welcome to the end of a great week and the day you realize that giving up is sometimes OK! I’ve been spreading these messages of encouragement and empowerment for quite some time, and one thing that is consistent in my message is that it is always too early to quit, nothing is impossible, and […]

SOUND CLASH: The Battle Of The Headphones

The entertainment industry thrives off sound and the quality of it. Lately, several artists and executives have taken their love for exceptional clarity and output and plugged into the headphones industry. After all, these individuals are in constant contact with sound. They know how to get it right, and they want the everyday consume to […]

Daily Word: It Was Written (Be Original)

Happy Wins-Day, my Purposeful and Powerful!! Welcome to a great day and a great opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being original! Nasir Jones once stated that “there is nothing new under the sun,” which means that anything new has been thought of already! This is a fact! Any idea, […]

Mitt Romney: The Mufasa of the 2012 Election?

Editor’s Note: It’s 2012 Election season, folks! Get ready for the editorials, cartoons, and mudslinging commercials to fly! This little ditty comes from well-known Hip-Hop cartoonist and illustrator, Andre LeRoy Davis and, well, you get the picture. It’s the  “Circle of Life”… political style!                       […]

Daily Word: Get Past Getting By!!

Happy Tuesday, my principles of power! Welcome to your day! The day that you promise yourself that you will do more than just survive! The day you vow that just getting by is not enough! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to getting past getting by! It is an absolute fact that there will be obstacles […]