
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Be Ready for W.A.R.!!!

Happy Monday, my blessed and highly favored! Welcome to an awkward day! A day where we usually are pumped up to get the week started, but instead we are going to talk the opposite! A day that is programmed to be a grind day, but instead, we say take another day off! Today’s Daily Word […]

Daily Word: Keep Planting Seeds!!

Rise, Grind, Shine and Give Thanks! Welcome to Today! The day that we should be grateful for everyday! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to the planting of your seeds in life. The life you are living today is based on the seeds you planted yesterday. The life you will live tomorrow is going to be […]

Daily Word: Do Not Sip The Whine!!

Happy Thursday, my Movers and Shakers! Welcome to the day you take back full control of your life! The day that you say enough is enough, and begin to do everything in your power to make it great! The day you realize that there is absolutely no use to whining and complaining! Today’s Daily Word […]

Daily Word: Be Delusionally Optimistic!!

Peace and blessings, my warriors of light! Welcome to the day that you admit there is something complete wrong with the way you think! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being Delusionally Optimistic! If you look in the dictionary the word ‘delusion’ is defined as a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to […]

Daily Word: Make Your Dream Happen! (No Excuses)

Happy Tuesday! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to excuses! ‘Those who really want something make it happen, those who don’t make excuses! Life is abundant and will give you everything your heart desires if you are willing to do what’s necessary to get it! Stop finding excuses as to why you are not getting what […]

Daily Word: Fearlessly Be Yourself!!

Happy Monday, my creators of life! Welcome to a new week, a new day, and a new opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being who you were meant to be! Effective immediately, we need to stop pretending that we are something that we are not! Effective immediately, we need to […]

Daily Word: Spend Wisely!!!

TGI>>>>>EVERYDAY!!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to spending wisely!!! YOLO!!! You only live once… but as we know, if we do it right, then once is enough! We have big dreams and big aspirations… We don’t have time to deal with anything that won’t help us get […]