
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Take Your Big Break!!

Happy Thursday, my destined and Powerful!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to controlling your life! There are some people who want things to happen, then there are those who make them happen! There are people who wish things were different, then there are those who make them different! There are those who dream big dreams, […]

Daily Word: It’s Your Time!! (Use It Wisely!)

Happy Wins-Day!! Welcome to NOW!! Welcome to TODAY!!! Welcome to the day you realize how precious your time is, and the day you begin to make the best of it! You have 86,000 seconds, 1,440 minutes, and 24 hours each day to make your life happen! Yeah it’s true… YOLO!! You only live once…… but […]

Daily Word: Never Stay Defeated!!

Happy Tuesday, my soldiers and survivors! Welcome to the day that makes yesterday a thing of the past!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to never staying defeated! I have no idea who Murphy is, but apparently he has a law that says if anything can go wrong it will… While this was the case for […]

Daily Word: Go With The Flow!!!

Happy Monday, my Warriors of Light! Welcome to the beginning of a new week and an opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to going with the flow! Life is as easy as you allow it to be! The answers to life’s questions and what you ought to be doing […]

Daily Word: Break The Rules!! (Do It Your Way!!!)

Fearless Friday, my movers and shakers!! Welcome to the the end of a great week, and the beginning of the new you! Today’s Daily Word is Anti-Conventional Wisdom! Today’s Daily Word is about Breaking the Rules, and Doing it Your Way! Conventional wisdom is cool, but sometimes, following what others say will close the door […]

Daily Word: Become More!!!

Happy Takeover Thursday!! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to becoming more! No one is destined to be a certain way! No one has a pre-determined fate that will happen to them no matter what! The life you live is all […]

Daily Word: Love More, Fear Less!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Victors of Life! Welcome to the day that you begin to decide which way you really want your life to go! Love or Fear? In life, those are the only two emotions in which every single decision is based! When you are not doing what you ought to be doing, it is […]