
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Stay Strong!!!

Happy Friday, my determined, tenacious, gifted and talented! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week! We had our ups and downs, but the great news is that we are still here standing strong! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your strength! Contrary to popular belief, failing doesn’t make you a failure. Despite conventional wisdom, […]

Daily Word: Show Compassion (R.I.P. Don Cornelius)

Good Morning, my Grateful and Greatly Appreciated! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to showing compassion. Yesterday morning, we were presented with the shocking news that “Soul Train” founder and dance television pioneer, Don Cornelius had died from an apparent suicide. Many couldn’t believe this transpired, but one can only imagine what would lead someone to […]

Daily Word: Adjust If Necessary!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my wise and intellectual! It’s the first of the month, and welcome to the 32nd day of 2012! By now, you should have a decent grasp as to how the year is shaping up for you so far. Some may think it’s too early, but in no way are we waiting until June. […]

Atlanta Rapper Rasheeda On The New-Age Ladies of Hip-Hop

Nowadays, discovering a new female rapper face happens frequently, but we can’t forget any of the ones that have previously prevailed. Just like fellow seasoned female spitters Gangsta Boo, Trina, Diamond, and more, Atlanta’s rapping “Georgia Peach” Rasheeda is amongst the group, utilizing convergence of the rap industry into today’s times. The “Got That Good […]

Daily Word: Do It Better!!!

Happy Tuesday, my overachievers! Welcome to the last day of January, but the first day of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to getting better! What makes life worth living is the ability everyday to do it better than you did yesterday. No matter how good or bad you have it, […]

She Is Guyana: Reggae’s Rapping Princess

Queens rapper Guyana wants you to know that there are plenty of great female MCs to go around. In this mostly mannish medium, the pretty but rugged American-Guyanese lady has found a way to command the attention of onlookers with her singing/rapping style. One of those onlookers happens to be an NFL player with a […]