
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Take Massive Action!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Movers and Shakers! Welcome to the middle of the week or hump day as many people call it! The day that the unfocused looks forward to, because it signifies just two more days until the weekend, and they can’t wait to relax! The saying goes, if you find something you love to […]

VIDEO: Misinformation: A Quest to Find Voter Fraud

(AllHipHop News) The League of Young Voters is on a quest to ensure that all eligible voters make it to the polls this November. The voter engagement organizer recently wrapped up a whirlwind #Ignite2012 tour of key cities across the country with celebrities such as Rocsi Diaz and journalists Shaheem Reid and Dream Hampton to […]

Daily Word: Get Laser Focused!!

Happy Tuesday, my destined and determined! Welcome to the day you zero in on your target and focus on what you deserve! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to having tunnel vision! Imagine a heart surgeon having a side hustle! Imagine that instead of practicing his craft, he put his energy somewhere else! Or, imagine a […]

Daily Word: Strengthen Your Weakness!!!

Happy Monday, my strong and resilient! As we start this week, let’s vow to make it our best week ever, and put a plan in place to make this a reality! Thoughts become things, but faith without work is dead! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to strengthening your weakness! It is imperative to realize that […]

Daily Word: Be Great Everyday!!

Happy Thursday, my Great Ones! Welcome to the day you recognize your natural ability to do anything you want in life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to tapping into your greatness everyday! If you took some time out to define the word Greatness, you would see that it says it’s a concept of a state […]

Daily Word: Raise Your Bar!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my High Achievers! Welcome to the day you raise your bar and do it better than you’ve ever done it before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to aiming the highest! If excellence is even an option, why settle for anything less? You are great right now! Anything you put your mind to will […]