
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Put Power To Your Passion!!!

Happy Takeover Tuesday! Welcome to the day you put power to your passion and take what you deserve! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being passionate about life! You aren’t alive to just merely exist! You weren’t put here on earth to blend in with mediocrity! Your sole (soul) purpose in life is to find […]

Fast Life, Fast Fall: The Price Of Fame

We live in a quick moving world. We watch others live the fast life, and we often desire the same. But as the saying goes, ‘easy come, easy go.’ While it’s not just society’s fault, and while we see people make millions and acquire the lifestyles that accompany it, each one of these elements, plus […]

Daily Word: Stop Being Humble!!!

Happy Monday, my beings of excellence! Welcome to the beginning of a wonderful week and an opportunity to do it the better than you did before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your confidence and being humble! John Wooden has a famous quote that says… “Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be […]

Daily Word: Stay Dedicated!!!

Fearless Friday, my determined and dedicated! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your dedication!! Those who really want something make it happen, those who don’t make excuses!! There is absolutely nothing in this entire universe that can stop you from getting what you really want out of life! The simple key to success is to […]

Daily Word: Go Beyond Circumstance!!

Great Thursday, my talented and tenacious! Welcome to the day that you realize that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to going beyond your circumstance! Many times, when people aren’t currently living the life they had intended to live, they take it as a sign that the […]

Daily Word: Mind Your Business!!

Happy Wins-Day, my focused and independent! Welcome to the best day of your life…Everyday!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated criticism. Whether you are the critic or the one being criticized, today is the day that you realize that both need to be ignored at all cost! While the dictionary has criticism as “the practice of […]

Daily Word: Expect To Win!!

Happy Tuesday, my Victors of Life! Welcome to your best day! The day that you realize that the fact that you are still here means that you still have purpose. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being a winner! In life you get exactly what you expect, whether you like it or not. Those who […]