I think I know what’s going on here, but let’s run it down anyway. Last weekend was the incredible event Rolling Loud was a proverbial whose who of Hip-Hop music. I don’t ever want to be around that many people in this Covid era, but I have to say I was impressed. I was even more impressed when I saw Griselda up there. Sometimes I forget these guys are backed by heavies like Roc Nation and Eminem and whatever else. They are no longer underground and they are no longer “just grimy rappers.” They may not be household names, but the certainly aren’t “just Hip-Hop.” They are intentional.
So this brings me to what the most staunch supporters of the Buffalo collective is talking about.
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“That s### just got me another bag. You gonna see me in more McQueen sh#t,” Conway said in a video. Check it below so there are potentially more skirts to be wore later down the line.
I ain’t mad! Get ya money!

On the serious tip, these dudes are getting so much love in the general market, I can’t be anything but happy for them. They did what needed to be done to separate themselves from the pack. They still rapping and still rising! The comments are another thing, but people are talking and headlines are being made. Nuff said.
Here is the latest from him.