Hip-Hop Rumors:Chris Brown & Rihanna Heated Voicemail? Lil Kim’s Fans Revolt! Jay-Z Rumor Theories!

DISCLAIMER:   All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. CHRIS BROWN AND RIHANNA VOICEMAIL? OK, some of my iller connects have hit me up and dropped some info on me. I have to give it up […]




content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual

info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.


OK, some of my iller connects have hit me up and dropped some info on me. I have to give it up to you readers that wrote me and even told me about the whole damn voicemail thing with Chris and Rihanna. I was away and didn’t quite get what it was. NOW I DO…according to rumors. Apparently, Rihanna has been seeing a psychologist and she communicates with him/her via text messages. But the “shrink” reportedly has been pleading for RiRi to come in the office in person to get help. Hey, if I was a shrink I would want Rihanna on my couch too…get it!? The last time she was in the office was October, so they say. RiRi’s reason for not coming in? HER ALBUM! Nothing like putting your health on the back burner for promotion!

HERE IS THE KICKER….Apparently, Chris Brown and Rihanna communicated to each other after the 20/20 interview. Rumors say Chris was cussing Rihanna up and down and up again for putting him on blast on 20/20. Isn’t that a violation of his probation? I’m just saying! I hope he didn’t do that. He didn’t like RiRi making him look bad as a person and that it was messing him up mentally as well.

Guess what? Somebody is saying that they are going to sell the so-called voicemail to tmz. Isn’t that somehow illegal?


I don’t really have any rumors, per se. But a few people suggested to me that this Illuminati stuff with Jay-Z is just one big joke. Now, I don’t know all there is to know about this, but here is what I am getting. First of all, the Mason’s aren’t a true secret society, but they don’t flaunt it the way Jay has allegedly been doing it. But they are a society that keeps secrets very well. So, Jay wouldn’t be telling on himself and revealing secrets like his is if he really was a member. Somebody else, within the music game, told me that Jay-Z is probably just feeding into the rumors and theories just to get the talkers talking even more. So, the blatant nature of some of the imagery was done on purpose just to get a rise out of people. What do you think?


Uh-Oh…check out this email-oh, and I cannot co-sign this other than they are HEATED.

WELL…Kim’s LAWYERS have gotten on the case here. Somebody’s in trouble, but it ain’t me!


Shout out to C. Reels!

Rihanna is now platinum. That was fast!

Oh god. Tiger’s wife is mean. Somebody asked her what he got her for Christmas and she said, “300 million, thank you.” OUCH!

Did Naomi Campbell go bankrupt?


I know, people…people, I know. You are going to say I am hating, but I have to give Chris Brown the fail of the day! This Matt Kemp dude is groping the a$$ of the love of his life and laughing about it! DAYUM! I would be pissssssssssssssssssed even if she wasn’t mine. Dude is rubbing it in…literally!

Click here for to click for a bigger pic!


Big Daddy Kane Has Been Added as 2nd Judge with Buckshot to 2010 Hip Hop Karaoke Championship on January 29th at New York’s Irving Plaza! The AllHipHop Staff is good for something – they are a sponsor of this event!

They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry!


WHO: illseed.com

WHAT: Rumors

WHERE: AllHipHop.com, MySpace.com/TheIllseed

HOW: Send your rumors and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.