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Daily Word: Give Up Fear!!!

Wonderful Wins-Day, my Fearless Doers and Achievers! Welcome to the last 3 days, 10 hours, 34 minutes, and 29 seconds of 2011. As we continue to countdown to 2012, we are dedicating today’s Daily Word to Conquering Fear!! I don’t care what you need to do or what needs to happen, but fear CANNOT come […]

Daily Word: No More Envy!!!

Terrific Tuesday, my Tenacious Trailblazers!! Welcome to the last 4 days, 9 hours, 21 minutes, and 25 seconds of 2011! As we continue to countdown to 2012, we are dedicating today’s Daily Word to being Envious!! Envy and Jealousy at all cost need to be left behind no matter what!! These two acts are the […]

Daily Word: Have No Regrets!!!

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Daily Word: Stop Settling!!!

Happy Friday, my fearless creatures of excellence! Welcome to the end of a powerful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not settling for less! You are great!! You are powerful beyond measure!! You are brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous, and can do anything you put your mind to!! Despite this fact the world is doing […]

Daily Word: Only If You Believe!!

Happy Thursday, my creatures of greatness! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your belief system! Life is bad, difficult, awful, and a waste of time!! Yes!! If that’s what you believe! Life is easy, enjoyable, exciting, and worth every second!! Yes!!…if that’s your thought process!! Your dreams are impossible, improbable, and non-attainable!! Yup!! If you […]

Daily Word: Celebrate The Struggle!!

Wonderful Wins-Day, my Glorious Great Ones!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to celebrating the struggle! We often have the tendency to only celebrate when we think things are going well! We pray for struggles to be over and rejoice as we see the light at the end of the tunnel! What we truly need to […]

Daily Word: Be Willing!!!

Happy Tuesday, my soldiers and survivors! Welcome to the day that is the most important…everyday!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your willingness to do what you have to do to fulfill your dreams! So by now, reality may have set in and you now realize that you have big dreams! By now, you must […]

Daily Word: Find Your Peace!!

Happy Monday, my movers and shakers! Welcome to the start of a great week!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to finding your peace! It is a fact that if you want anything worthwhile in life, you must put in the work! It is a fact that good things come to those who wait, but only […]

Daily Word: Stop Apologizing!!!

Happy Friday, my fearless warriors!! Welcome to your day!! The day you begin to stop allowing other people’s insecurities to diminish who you really are! The day that you say “I am who I am, and I will be that for the world to see!” Today is the day that you stop apologizing for being […]

Daily Word: Give It Another Shot!!

Peace and blessings, my creatures of determination! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to giving your goals a chance! We often watch as many people who have goals or aspirations leave them abruptly and wind up doing something totally unrelated! On the surface, it looks like they’ve exhausted all possibility, but the truth is that they […]

Daily Word: Never Lose Sight!!!

Wonderful Wins-Day, my Grinders and Great Ones! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Never Losing Sight of Your Purpose! If you are one of the 6,840,507,000 people living on this earth, then you undoubtedly have many things you want to accomplish in life! Because […]

Daily Word: Believe In Miracles!!!

Happy Tuesday, my Talented Tenth! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to believing in miracles! Your waking up this morning was a miracle! The fact that you are reading these words is a miracle! You being able to dream dreams and know that, one day, they will all come true is miracle as well! Miracles happen […]

Daily Word: Pay Yourself First!

Happy Monday, my dreamers and doers! Welcome to the start of the best week of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to paying yourself first! As a financial literacy expert, I always encourage this as a key principle in getting your finances in order, but today, I am not just talking about paying yourself […]

Daily Word: Stop The Anxiety!!

TGI….. Everyday!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being anxious about the future! Stop it!! Anxiety is the number one killer among people who have dreams and aspirations! I once watched an interesting video by Art Williams that said, “All you can do, is all you can […]

Daily Word: Stay High!!!

Greetings and Salutations, my Dons and Divas! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to staying high! My apologies to those who think I’m referencing a certain herbal substance that requires doctor approval to be legal… Noooo!! I’m talking about keeping your momentum! Often times, we find ourselves motivated, inspired, unstoppable, and ready to take on the […]

Daily Word: Expect Greatness!

Happy Wins-Day, my creatures of excellence!! Welcome to the only day that matters… Everyday!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to expecting your greatness! Cutting straight to the point…. Today is the day you get rid of the saying that says “Expect the Worst, Hope for the Best!” Today is the day you stop listening to […]

Daily Word: You Only Live Once!

Happy Tuesday, my movers and shakers! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to living! If life was a professional sport, then we would be able to practice, play, win, lose, start-over, practice again, switch teams, win, retire, quit, or all of the above. Unfortunately, that is not the case! There is no practicing…you get no do-overs…and […]

Daily Word: Make the Sacrifice!

Happy Monday, my Hustlers and Grinders! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to making the sacrifice! As long as we have breath in our body, we all will have dreams and aspirations! Whether we choose to acknowledge them or not is another story! There are people who know what they want out of life and do […]