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Streets Is Talking: MIMS

Ever wondered what comes with having one of the biggest songs of the year?  Ask MIMS. The New York native gained national fame in 2007 with his hit single “This Why I Am Hot.” Featuring minimal production and a straightforward hook, whether you were in the South, North, East or West, the song was ubiquitous. […]

Skillz: F The DJ?

On his Okay to the Player blog, Skillz goes in on Weezy’s not so friendly rant against DJs. Read his rationale on why he would never bite the hands that help feed him. (This editorial has not been edited by AllHipHop.com in any way [well, we did censor those curse words and make paragraphs…])“Iiight so […]

Wale: D.C. Go Getta

“It was more like all the signs were around me”. That is rapper Wale’s response when asked what made him pursue rap. The D.C. rapper already has the attention of celebrities from Lindsey Lohan to Travis Barker to Lil Wayne. With such a diverse audience it’s no wonder that Wale’s style cannot be classified. When […]