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Hip-Hop Rumors: Trini People Not Happy With Beyonce? Kanye West New Album rumors! RiRi’s Midget Stripper!

DISCLAIMER:   All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIRI!  Rihanna celebrated her birthday over the weekend and she had the joy of a midget stripper! Ahhhh…the possibilities! Her dude Matt whoever was there […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Did Rap Ruin “We Are The World” Remake? Nas Goes At Kelis! MF Doom Back To Old Tricks?

DISCLAIMER:   All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. THE DAILY TWO SENSE  Shooting hoops with Mark Cuban! Honestly, I’m getting nothing CRAZY from All-Star. What did you hear? Hit me up allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.   Contest! Click  […]