
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Start The Future Now!!!

Happy Monday! Welcome to the first day of October, First day of the 4th quarter, and the first day of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to planning your future! With 91 days until the new year, it is imperative that we begin to start seeing the future now! Those who […]

Daily Word: Learn to Listen!!

Happy Tuesday, my active and attentive! Welcome to a new day and new opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to listening. Alvin Toffler once said that the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn… […]

Daily Word: Demand Your Respect!!!

Great Morning, my Proud and Dignified! Welcome to the day that you take what you deserve! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to self-respect! As we start off this week, we must remind ourselves that our dignity means more than anything!! Stop compromising yourself for an outcome that you don’t control! You are all you got! […]