
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Watch What You Say!!!

Happy Thursday, my speakers of truth and despisers of lies! Welcome to a new day, a new beginning, and a new opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to watching what you say! Opinions are like Facebook pages…. Everyone has them! To believe what people say, and hold it as truth, may […]

Daily Word: Take Another Shot!!

Happy Wins-Day, my saints and sinners! Welcome to the day that you begin telling yourself the truth! The truth is that those who want a dream bad enough make it happen, and those who don’t make excuses! The truth is that only those who are willing to do and dare are the ones who will […]

Daily Word: Think Like a Child!!!

Happy Tuesday, Beloveds! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to get it right! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to thinking like a child! Inspiration can come from anywhere! Yesterday, while conversing with my four-year-old daughter she told me the key to life was being happy! So, today, she will be our guest […]

Daily Word: Talk Is Cheap!!

Happy Friday, my Dreamers and Doers! Welcome to the day that you continue to keep getting it done!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to talking! Talk is cheap!! It can get you somewhere, but it won’t keep you there! In a world where social media has allowed us to become anything we want, we must […]

VIDEO: theBREAX – “Breaking Out The Box”

Front man, Ruslan, is an Armenian refugee born in Baku, Azerbaijan. He moved to San Diego as a child in the 1990s, after his family fled from religious persecution in their own country. Ruslan would later meet Beleaf, a Baltimore native who was nearly homeless and moved to San Diego in search of a new […]

Daily Word: Stop Looking Back!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my executive directors of life!! Welcome to the day that you finally put the past behind you and look forward towards Success!! Not only the success you deserve, but the success that is inevitably yours if you stay focused and never give up! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to moving upward and onward!! […]