
Seandra Sims

Daily Word: Never Compromise!!

Happy Tuesday, my Glorious Great Ones! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not compromising yourself! You have dreams! You have desires! You know exactly how you want your life to be! Sometimes while on the road to achieving our goals, we are presented with options that are not exactly what we want! We contemplate and […]

Scientist Names Rare Horse Fly After Beyoncé; California Marijuana Strain Named After Blue Ivy

Over the years, Beyoncé Knowles has amassed numerous honors in the world of music. Now the chart-topping vocalist can add another, as her name has been given to a previously un-named species of horsefly. According to, the horse fly’s golden lower abdomen prompted Australian National Insect Collection researcher/ Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation […]

Daily Word: Stop Stopping!! (Keep Your Momemtum)

TGI….Everyday!! Happy Friday, the 13th!!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week, but still the beginning of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to keeping your momentum! There is only one thing that really separates great people from the mediocre… It’s not talent, it’s not smarts, it’s not business savvy… […]

Daily Word: Stop Being Realistic!!!

Happy Thursday, my Talented Trailblazers!! Welcome to another opportunity to make it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not being realistic! Reality is not a fact, it’s an opinion! If your reality says that life is difficult, then life is difficult! If your reality says that life is abundant, then life is abundant! The […]

Daily Word: Stop Doubting Yourself!!!

Happy Wins-Day, my unstoppable great ones! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to self-doubt! No matter how hard you try, or how much effort you give, be rest assured that people are going to question what you do! They will doubt you, count you out, and act as if you are going in the wrong direction! […]