Soul Swipe (The Urban Tinder) Helps Celebs & More Get Ready For Valentine’s Day!


SOUL SWIPE THE APP gets everyone geared up to celebrate Valentine’s Day the right way with their commercial helping singles to find real love through their app and tips. Soul Swipe is the new booming dating app that matches exactly what you as a consumer likes and wants to find the perfect match with just a swipe of a finger left or right. This user friendly app has over 2 million subscribers and climbing. Some of your favorite artists and hottest babes in the industry have been caught surfing the app. With Valentine’s Day tomorrow, Soul Swipe would like to share their professional Top Dating Tips and Top App Tips for all the lovers in the world who are ready to take that leap for Love.

Top 5 Dating App Tips:


It doesn’t matter if you look like Tyson Beckford or Draya Michelle in your profile. What really matters is how interesting you look. You want to make sure you have at least 3 to 4 photos that include at least one headshot, one body shot, an outdoorsy pic (users like an active man or woman), and a picture of you in your favorite suit, tux, or dress. It’s very important for your photos to show personality. If you like playing sports, but also like going to the beach, include photos of both. Pictures of you at the club wearing sunglasses and holding a bottle of Hennessey isn’t going to get you many matches.


Everyone loves a mystery, but leaving your description blank isn’t the right place to play mysterious. Our data shows that users with a bio increase their chances of being liked by 20%. If you have an interesting job or talent, show it off. Users only take a few seconds to decide on you, so selling yourself through your bio is key. Find ways to stand out by being different and unique. If you’re funny, you should definitely find some creative ways to show that – huge plus!


When you first message your match, it’s important to keep it short and playful. Don’t use cheesy pickup lines; rather comment about one of their photos or something you read in their bio. Your match will love the fact that you actually took the time to review their profile and immediately begin to feel more comfortable. You can even use emojis or joke about something going on in tabloids at the moment. If you’re confident and lively in your conversation, you’ll have that first date in no time.


Most users are on around 8PM and if you play your cards right, you’ll find yourself getting a lot more matches than usual. Since we tend to show you more users that are currently online, SoulSwipe rush hour is a prime time to rack up those matches.


It’s normal to want to be the best version of yourself, especially when it comes to public perception and yes, even dating apps. However, not being authentic will definitely end up hurting you in the long run. Be yourself and there’s a much higher chance that you’ll end up attracting mister or misses right.

Top 5 Dating Tips:


It’s easy for immediate attraction to occur, but you can’t let your guard down easy. The chase won’t be fun if you’re no longer a mystery. Remember, people always want what they can’t have.


Who doesn’t like some fun? Of course they want you to be serious about your career and relationships, but they don’t want someone that’s constantly serious. It’s important to make people laugh and most importantly learn to laugh at yourself. Loosen up and have some fun!


Don’t listen to people when they say “Charm can’t be taught” or “You either have it or you don’t”. Charm is all about being confident, respectful, and polite. You can easily acquire it by being on your best behavior. It’s amazing what a simple please and thank you can do.


Integrity has been voted as one of the most important qualities men and women look for in a relationship. Trust is very important, but people also want to feel comfortable and proud about the idea of potentially introducing you to their parents. A mother’s approval is everything. You don’t want to go through a breakup where your former partner has Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself” playing on repeat.


We know it’s tough to be the center of attention without seeming like an attention w####. However, there are ways of stealing the scene when you’re out in public without being too flashy or loud. Do your best to be the most well dressed person in the room and supplement that style with your great sense of humor and an intimate conversation. Pretty soon, nobody will be able to keep their eyes…. or hands off of you.