The views expressed in this blog are not the views of AllHipHop.comIn response to the false and ridiculous reporting by the New York Post,
Page Six, that I have the “hots for Barack Obama and want to have his
I portray a character in the Starz comedy series Head Case, which is
a hilarious show about a wacky psychiatrist who is wackier than her patients. My
character admits that she thinks Obama is hot. It is innocent and
funny. It was shot back in September and airs in March. The quotes
printed by Page Six were taken completely out of context, and no less
the dialogue from a scripted television comedy. It’s ridiculous. It’d
be just like having Denzel Washington arrested in real life for the
crimes his character committed in American Gangster. There are members
of the press, namely the person who wrote the article, who are
untalented and uninspired so they look to write false statements and
tear people down because they couldn’t get paid to write about anything
meaningful or true.
I respect and love our new President and his family just as you do and would never disrespect them in anyway. Thank you.**To get the latest AllHipHop Alternatives Features, follow us on Twitter @**