Video: Skillz Speaks On the Current Role of the DJ and Previews His “2012 Rap Up”

EXCLUSIVE: SKILLZ SAYS HE ALREADY HAS PLENTY OF CELEB DRAMA FOR HIS 2012 RAP-UP! bumped into Skillz  during a recent Pro-Keds event being held for DJ Jazzy Jeff in New York City. It was only natural that we spoke with the Virginia spitter, who filled us in on his plans to follow-up his “2011 Rap Up” with a 10th anniversary track come December that will see him rapping about Trayvon Martin, Jeremy Lin, Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian.

Keep in mind, we’re only in April.

2012 finds Skillz taking a hiatus from creating his own music, as he focuses his attentions on working with other artists. In addition to the preview he offered us, Skillz spoke on the role of the DJ and their influences within Hip-Hop, and he dropped names on some emerging MCs he’s feeling.

Check out our exclusive interview with Skillz below:

Follow Skillz On Twitter: (@SkillzVA)