(AllHipHop News) The Wu-Tang Clan double disc album Once Upon A Time In Shaolin may never be heard by anyone other than its producer, Tarik “Cilvaringz” Azzougarh. However, today (May 6th), Forbes has revealed the first snippet of the Wu-Tang Clan’s secret album in their interview with Cilvaringz.
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The album was produced by CIvilringz in Marrakesh, Morocco and sent periodically to RZA for “review.” However, once the beats were chosen, the involvement of RZA and the rest of the Wu-Tang Clan became minimal and even they were kept in the dark:
They had beats that had similar sound, but wasn’t the actual beat. They had the same BPMs, same speed and everything. But, they would rap on something that would sound [different] much later. Because, I couldn’t afford to have it leak. They were never given the final copies, including RZA.
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RZA has attested that the project has already garnered bids of $5 million. Cilvaringz corroborates that, however he states that the legitimacy of those offers are still under question:
Anyone can send an email saying, ‘I got $55 million. I got one like that before. But it’s like, ‘Yeah, right.’ Somebody sent from a Mark Zuckerberg email [account] yesterday, at Gmail, ‘I got $10 million, please don’t tell the press that I’ve contacted you.’ You get emails like that. That’s why you need a broker in between, someone that people who are interested in buying this thing will feel comfortable dealing with.
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Check out the complete Forbes article here. Check out the first snippet from Wu-Tang Clan’s Once Upon A Time In Shaolin below:
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