After barks of “tase the motherf**ker,” and a dehumanizing comment referring to him as a “piece of s*it,” Tyree Carroll, survived his encounter with a police mob of 26 officers. Back on April 3, Mr. Carroll was initially stopped on Germantown’s, Locust Ave., for riding his bicycle the wrong way down a one-way street. After complying with the officer’s directions, Tyree, was unexpectedly attacked by the growing gang of Philadelphia peace officers, this according to JasmyneCannick.
In the recently surfaced video provided courtesy of the Tyree Carroll Family, vicious kicks, punches, and blows from multiple police batons are unleashed upon an immobilized Tyree. The footage was recorded via a cell phone. Since its discovery the PPD has been compelled to launch an internal review of this harrowing demonstration of police brutality, reports the HuffingtonPost.
During his testimony at Carroll’s preliminary hearing on June 30, arresting officer John Ellis of Philadelphia Police Department’s narcotics squad, alleged that earlier in the evening, he witnessed what he considered to be a narcotics transaction between Carroll and unidentified men. Although, he testified that he didn’t witness any goods or money exchange hands, that didn’t prevent him from stopping Tyree for suspicious activity. Eventually 5.3 grams of crack cocaine were purportedly found on Tyree, who remains incarcerated.
Tyree Carroll, the father to a toddler child, was recently visited by the Pennsylvania Prison Society, and it expresses that he has yet to receive any medical attention for the lingering pain from the injuries he sustain from his brutal beating. Currently Carroll faces a litany of charges from that fateful night which range from multiple drug charges, aggravated and simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, and resisting arrest. A confirmed asthmatic, Tyree, has taken responsibility for biting an officer after he was placed into a chokehold. He asserts that his chest seized up and he thought that his life was ending.
The following video is very graphic. In the words of Mr. West: “I say f**k the police, that’s how I treat ’em. We buy our way out of jail, but we can’t buy freedom..”