Signs The World Is Coming To An End: 4-5-Year-Olds Engage In Oral Sex At Day Care


YO! You have to watch everything and everybody these days. This story is crazy as a fox on crack. At a daycare at the First Lutheran Church of Carson School, kids were engaged in acts of sex unusually reserved for teens and adults, causing the parents to freak out. Richard McCarthy is the parent of a 4-year-old boy and claimed that a 5-year-old girl was regularly going down on him at school. “He told me about all the bad things that girl had been doing to him,” McCarthy to the media. “It went down in the classroom, it went down in the bathroom and it went down out on the playground.” The girls mother admitted her daughter did the deeds to the boy several times. (Now, I have to check the mother on this one, but who am I? Side eye.) “The way that she explained it, it was kind of like it was an everyday thing … from pulling the pants down to exposing themselves to, you know, trying to get somebody to put their mouth on the privates. It’s unfathomable on so many levels. For one, that it actually happened. For two, where it happened. For three, how often something happened.” I’m thinking people are either letting their kids watch p### or letting them watch adults have sex. What 5 year old really gets the notion to put a wee wee in their mouth? Excuse my baby talk but damn, this is just insane. The day care, which is at a church, has been closed. But they are not out of the woods. The victims are suing. Good luck getting money from them. Nevertheless, there weren’t enough adults to watch the kids. Still, something is awry.

Who is to blame?

Who Is To Blame?

They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.

Illseed, Out.


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