(AllHipHop News) Tyler, the Creator’s unapologetic nature is what not only fuels his art but usually is the core of his persona. After receiving backlash for his Mountain Dew commercial over racist undertones, Tyler told Billboard that he represents the advancement of Black men and not racism.
[ALSO READ: Tyler The Creator and Mountain Dew Facing Criticism For New Ad Being Called Racist]
Responding to Syracuse University professor and social analyst Dr. Boyce Watkins, who called the spot “arguably the most racist commercial in history” Tyler believes the video can ultimately be influential:
It’s a young black man who got out of the ‘hood and made something of himself, who’s now working with big, white-owned corporations. Not even in front of the camera acting silly, but directing it. I’m trying to be one of the directors. But instead of looking at the positivity from that, he’s trying to boycott Mountain Dew. Now that he’s doing that, not only is it messing up opportunities for me, but also maybe opportunities for another young black male who maybe looks up to me and wants to do that in the future. It’s ludicrous.
[ALSO READ: Tyler The Creator’s Manager Issues Statement About Controversial Mountain Dew Ad]
Dr. Watkins tweeted a retraction to his statement after studying Tyler’s music and accepted Tyler’s invitation for a one-on-one conversation:
@fucktyler– let’s make it happen.My daughters love your music, so I respect your brilliance and creativity.DM me. We’ll talk
— Boyce Watkins (@drboycewatkins1) May 1, 2013
According to Tyler, the conversation has not happened yet and promises that the controversy is “not gonna change my art in any way.”
Dr. Watkins released a video response to Tyler’s Billboard article reiterating his changed perspective on Tyler’s music however making it clear that the commercial itself was still reprehensible:
“When it comes to that ad, with all the stereotypes that wer being presented to the American public, it doesn’t matter who made the ad. Jesus could’ve made that ad. Santa Claus could’ve made the ad. That doesn’t change the ad. That doesn’t change what the public sees. I think that Tyler thinks that maybe because I feel that he’s not as bad of a person as I originally thought he was that I am saying the ad is ok. The ad isn’t ok!”
Check out Dr. Boyce Watkins’ video response below:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrCW9GQ7T1M]