Editor’s Note: “Feel Rich” is our partnership with QD3, the talented son of music legend Quincy Jones. “Feel Rich” is all about creating a healthy lifestyle for Hip-Hop culture – both the artists and the fans. Enjoy!
It is summertime and that means time to hit the beach or pool and get your summer loving on. In this video, Ed Checo from Barstarzz gives you the tips and workout you need to get the V-cut so many people are after.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXHQ1KsorrQ]
Also know as the “Adonis Belt”, the “V” or pelvic muscle, is a muscle that screams sexual attraction. It’s coveted, and it doesn’t come easy, but it is possible. However, to get the V, it’s important to reach a low body fat when trying to get a defined one. The lower the body fat percentage, the more defined it will be. Outside from diet, you need good exercises that will target that muscle group for this were using leg raises, leg flutters, and scissors.
The routine consists of:
10 Leg raises
10 seconds of leg flutters
10 Leg scissors
For all the exercises you want to make sure to keep your legs fully locked out. There is no break in-between the exercises. Take a short break when you’re done with the last rep of the last exercise. Then rest one to two minutes and repeat. You want to get around three to four sets. Make sure you are focusing on the V cut when performing each exercise and envision your ideal V. Throughout your workout, make sure your feet never touch the ground.
Tweet us pics of your progress or questions about the routine at @FeelRich and @Barstarzz.
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