Expert Music Executive Stan Sheppard Fighting For Chicago Radio Stations To Promote More Positive Music Over Violence

Sheppard is not advocating for music censorship, he is only asking if the major radio stations could consider holding off on playing songs that call for Black-on-Black violence

In an effort to curb violent confrontations among young teens in the Chicago area, veteran music executive Stan Sheppard is going on a public relations campaign to ask the two major radio stations in the city of Chicago, WGCI-FM & 92.3-FM, to curtail playing new songs which may promote gang violence, drug dealing, and manufacturing during daily school hours.

Stan Sheppard estimates that the out-of-control gang violence in and around Chicago has taken over 400 people’s lives this year alone and can be expected to top 650 murders by year’s end given the current trend.

Sheppard is not advocating for music censorship, he is only asking if the major radio stations could consider holding off on playing songs that call for Black-on-Black violence while the young teenagers are heading to-and-from school.

Speaking to Chad Kiser, Sheppard poses a simple question, “Why can’t the radio stations play the more gangster-type of music after 6:00 PM when the teens are off the school grounds?”

He continues by saying, “that the music amps up the young teens during school hours and the aggressive nature of the gang-inspired lyrics could potentially lead directly to confrontations on and off the school sites”.

Stan Sheppard’s musical list of clients he has launched and managed during his career in rap music while selling over 24 million records worldwide since 1994, includes the multi-platinum/gold-selling artists DJ QuikDJ BattlecatKoKaneSuga Free, and Mausberg.