Gage Drops New Album “I Am Legend”

The artists that inspire me are The Notorious B.I.G, 2pac, Nas, and Jay-Z and the qualities I admire about them are their ability to consistently make timeless music that matters.

Gage just released a new album titled “I Am Legend”. As one of the preeminent up-and-coming indie artists, Gage embodies a casual grace and truth that is reflected in the music he makes. In an exclusive interview, Gage talks about his success in the music industry as well as his plans for the future.

What do you like most about making music? What I like most about making music is the creative freedom of expression it gives me. 

I love that I can paint audio pictures with words and tell stories that most people can gravitate towards. making music to me is my therapy, making music is my purpose in life 

What inspired you to start making music?
As a kid watching Michael Jackson is what inspired me to start making music just seeing the effect you had on people when he performed was so fascinating to me 

and I got older and got into hip-hop, I saw what they were doing in that genre was more my speed so I gravitate more towards that but Michael Jackson was definitely my inspiration to start making music hands down 

Describe your creative process when you write new music:
When I first hear a beat I try and figure out what it wants me to say since I see sounds in colors but I haven’t put pen to pad since coming back from London in march 2006. I think up the bars now 8 at a time then go record it. Sometimes it starts with hearing a dope beat then I just have the track on repeat. Usually, within the first 5 seconds, the words start coming to me if this doesn’t happen I don’t use the beat. In my opinion, there is no such thing as writer’s block people just pick the wrong beats. That’s why it’s hard for them to come up with stuff.

If you pick the right beat the words will come easy and will flow. But my process is usually hearing a dope beat and having it on repeat till I can at least think up 8 bars or a hook most times I’m already in the studio so soon as I get the first 8 bars or hook I lay it down if I don’t get the whole 16 I come back to it later. If the words don’t come I usually get a flow pattern of how I want to flow in the song then I find a pocket because my voice is just another instrument in the song

What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years? I was at the 2022 grammy awards so that was something I always wanted to do that I just did. 

I want to continue to drop indie album-of-the-year caliber projects and I think I have been doing that so far so I want to continue to make music at that high level. I also want to be in the Guinness book of world records as the only Emcee who doesn’t curse in his raps.

Who’s your ideal artist to collaborate with and why?
So many to pick from but I will go with JAY-Z because he embodies the very fabric of what is it I do with the similar backgrounds and taste for certain things in life that I have  so I think he would be a perfect collaboration lyrically I would love to spar with him on a song

Are there any artists who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?
The artists that inspire me are The Notorious B.I.G, 2pac, Nas, and Jay-Z and the qualities I admire about them are their ability to consistently make timeless music that matters. Even with Big and Pac not being here anymore their music still lives on, that’s very admirable. With JAY-Z and Nas they have been in the game so long but are still making good music like they just started out that in itself is a major inspiration that it can be done 

Which qualities do you think to make a great artist? A willingness to work hard on your gift daily You have to be able to be patient and persistent  and being able to remain true to yourself able to capture the thoughts and things most people go through and put it in song format be a voice for the voiceless having great stage presence at shows being able to perform songs live without rapping over backing tracks or vocals and lastly being able to make GREAT music is key 

What’s the best tip of advice you can give to upcoming artists?
LEARN THE MUSIC BUSINESS before you get in that booth to record, pick up a book on the music business and read it so when the time comes you won’t be like most of these artists getting taken advantage of .

NETWORKING is key who you know will put you on what you know determines how long you stay. Investing in yourself is key even though a lot of people may try to take advantage of you so do your due diligence before getting with people who claim that can help you and your career/ brand. Put your head down and do the work. Be more strategic and consistent. lead with authenticity.   
