Flo Rida will make his first ever appearance in Korea next month promoters have announced. The rapper will perform at South Koreas Yonsei Universitys Main Auditorium on May 21 and 22 along with a special guest. The appearance in the country comes amidst claims popular local artist G-Dragon stole the song for his hit Heartbreaker. The claims were dismissed when it was revealed that Flo Rida himself is featured on a new version of the single that will be included on G-Dragons upcoming album this month. Lupe Fiasco will headline the Connecticut B.O.M.B. Fest 2010 (Bring Our Music Back) on May 30 at The Durham Fairgounds in Durham Connecticut. Over 20 local bands will hit the stage during the festival, including The Cool Kids, Rebel Montez, Girl Talk, Roots of Creation and others. Doors open at 10:30AM and tickets can be purchased online at bomb fest.com.
Chopper Young City has inked a deal Roster Records/MOE and will release a new album in 2010. Chopper, who teamed with DJ Smallz to release The Purple Tape in 2009 in conjunction with MOE, is working on an album of all new material tentatively titled Risky Business. “Its raw, uncut, and the reason why I do what I do,” Chopper said of his music.