Christian Teen Says God Has Plan For YG After Embarrassing Feud Over President Trump

A teenager who was embarrassed by rapper YG for refusing to chant “F##k Donald Trump” has written a letter to the “Bompton” star explaining his potential.

(AllHipHop News) The teenager who rapper YG had kicked out of a concert has finally spoken out.

The rapper had called the teen on stage during the Mala Luna Music Festival in Texas in October of 2019.

YG tried to get the teenager to chant the chorus to his 2016 hit single “FDT (F##k Donald Trump)” featuring Nipsey Hussle, but the attempt turned into a disaster.

YG became hostile when the teen refused. The rapper then threw the kid off of the stage and called him a Donald Trump supporter, while branding followers of the President as racists.

Austin Joyner, the 17-year old teenager who was unwittingly thrust into the spotlight by YG, wrote an open letter to the rapper about the incident and published it to Twitter.

In the message, Joyner explains the complete story of what happened and explained that he is not a supporter of President Trump, nor is he a racist.

The Christian teen said YG put his life at risk and revealed that two security guards advised him to leave the festival because the situation became too dangerous.

“As I drove home nervous and not knowing what to expect, I still prayed for you, because you, Keenon, still deserve and need God. “Your actions were so wrong but can be forgiven,” Austin Joyner wrote. “Jesus did not die on that cross for no reason. And because of that, I have kept you in many of my prayers. So if you think no one has cared about you, I have. It has taken me a few months for me to fully forgive you, but I did not want to respond to the incident until I Ad forgive. I forgave you on January 4, 2020.”

He said that Americans have freedom of speech and everybody is entitled to their own beliefs – and he believes the incident serves as a message from directly from God.

Joyner thinks YG has the potential to undergo the same type of radical transformation as Kanye West.

“If you ask me, it is a strange -coincidence” you picked on a supposedly “racist white boy- like me out of all people in that crowd that night,” Austin Joyner wrote. “You have the potential to become a man who loves/cherishes his wife and children, protects them, and treats them with utmost respect and stands up for people who are weak. Ultimately, that’s how real men behave. I believe that you could even make the type of transition Kanye West has made.”

Take a look at this full letter below: