Ciara Says Future Skips Out On Visits With His Son 37% Of The Time

(AllHipHop News) Ciara is accusing hip-hop star Future of skipping out on daddy duties with their child. The singer claims her ex is slowly becoming an absentee father, so she’s taking Future to court before it becomes a larger issue. She says Future allegedly misses his visits 37% of the time, and the last minute […]

(AllHipHop News) Ciara is accusing hip-hop star Future of skipping out on daddy duties with their child.

The singer claims her ex is slowly becoming an absentee father, so she’s taking Future to court before it becomes a larger issue.

She says Future allegedly misses his visits 37% of the time, and the last minute cancellations are ruining her own schedule.

To complicate the issues, Future lives in Georgia and the traveling to visit his dad have been tough on the 3-year-old’s health, according to court documents.

Ciara is asking a judge to force Future to mediation, where they can work out a new, official schedule that will be good for Future, Ciara and little Future.