Drake Gives Up Meat And Ends Up In “Beef” With PETA

(AllHipHop News) Rap superstar Drake is under pressure to cut ties with outerwear brand Canada Goose after becoming a new vegetarian. The “God’s Plan” hitmaker has been collaborating with designers at the company for his October’s Very Own (OVO) merchandise label since 2011, but now officials at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) […]

(AllHipHop News) Rap superstar Drake is under pressure to cut ties with outerwear brand Canada Goose after becoming a new vegetarian.

The “God’s Plan” hitmaker has been collaborating with designers at the company for his October’s Very Own (OVO) merchandise label since 2011, but now officials at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have called on Drake to end the partnership, especially after revealing he has cut meat from his diet.

The Canadian MC made the admission during a live-streamed video game session last week, although he didn’t elaborate on his reasons for giving up meat.

And now animal rights activists are urging the star to reconsider his dealings with Canada Goose bosses, who claim their products are made with “ethically sourced fur and down,” that is procured without causing animals “undue pain, injury or suffering” – statements PETA investigators have long challenged.

To draw attention to the controversial subject matter, PETA officials have sent a vegan goodie basket to the rapper in the hopes of winning him over.

“We’re so happy that your animal-friendly eating is making headlines, and we wanted to send you a little something to ensure that you take care and thrive forever with a healthy, compassionate plant-based lifestyle…,” they write in an accompanying letter.

It continues, “Since you’ve made the great, kind, and forward-thinking choice not to eat animals, please, please, please, take one more step: Stop wearing them, and end October’s Very Own’s partnership with cruel company Canada Goose immediately.

“Canada Goose touts a fake love for the environment yet kills ducks and geese for their down and uses painful steel traps to catch wild coyotes, who pray to make it back in one piece to their families but instead suffer and are killed in horrible ways so that their fur can go around someone’s neck. This senseless violence for the sake of a jacket is definitely not part of God’s Plan.”

“Please, find your heart, because fur is over and animals need your love,” the message concludes.

Drake has yet to respond to the public pleeaaa.
