Lil Xan Ducks Into YMCA To Avoid Beatdown From Tupac Fans

(AllHipHop News) Newcomer Lil Xan almost caught a beatdown from a mob of angry Tupac fans last week. According to police, Xan was in town for a meet-and-greet, when he decided to stop at a Del Taco in Redlands, California to grab a bite to eat. That’s when a group of high school-aged kids surrounded […]

(AllHipHop News) Newcomer Lil Xan almost caught a beatdown from a mob of angry Tupac fans last week.

According to police, Xan was in town for a meet-and-greet, when he decided to stop at a Del Taco in Redlands, California to grab a bite to eat.

That’s when a group of high school-aged kids surrounded him, over his recent comments about rapper Tupac Shakur.

Lil Xan publically stated Tupac’s music was “boring,” sparking a backlash online, which resulted in Waka Flocka “banning” the rapper from Hip-Hop.

And now, his comments have spilled over into the real world.

The group of students began threatening Lil Xan, to the point that he ran out of the Del Taco and into the safety of a local YMCA.

The rapper was so terrified, a cop had to escort him to his car to ensure his safety, according to an official police report.

Xan tried to clean up his comments at the meet-and-greet.

“The media twisted my words. I think Tupac is a legend,” the rapper said. “Tupac is definitely a legend.”