While neither Def Jam nor Ludacris commented on the Pepsi Colas recent decision to drop the rapper from an ad campaign, his mother, Roberta Shields contacted AllHipHop.com and had several remarks toward Bill O’Reilly of “The O’Reilly Factor, who sparked the ban. The OReilly Factor is broadcast via Fox News, which, according to Shields, made the OReillys views especially hypocritical.
“Ludacris is an entertainer and an artist, and just like every artist in music, video, movie and the arts, he has the right to artistic expression. Lets keep it real. Fox cannot take the high ground with respect to artistic expression. Fox produces shows, movies, video games and air commercials that depict violence and sex, and offend and degrade women,” She said to Allhiphop.
“Furthermore, I take exception that you call my son ‘a dumb idiot who got lucky and exploits the system that we have.’ That comment is an oxymoron and it, too, is untrue. He has prepared for his opportunities since he was 8 years old when he said, ‘Mom I love music and whether I am in front of the microphone or behind it, I will be in the music industry.’ He pursued his music vision through effective relationship building, academic studies and hands-on experience, including internships in radio and entertainment law. How inappropriate of you to minimize his accomplishments due to ignorance.
The decision to pull the ads came a day after Bill O’Reilly, host of Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” bashed Pepsi as “immoral” for using Ludacris to promote the soft drink and urged viewers to boycott Pepsi.
“I’m calling for all responsible Americans to fight back and punish Pepsi for using a man who degrades women, who encourages substance abuse, and does all the things that hurt particularly the poor in our society,” O’Reilly said.
Pepsi-Cola of North America pulled the Ludacris’ 30-second ads off the air because of consumer complaints about his sexually explicit, profanity-laden lyrics.
“We have a responsibility to listen to our consumers and customers and we’ve heard from a number of people that were uncomfortable with our association with this artist,” the PepsiCo Inc. unit said in a statement. “We’ve decided to discontinue our ad campaign with this artist and we’re sorry that we’ve offended anyone.”
O’Reilly claimed over 3,000 emails poured in complaining about the rapper endorsing the soda.
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to view Ludacris’ mothers full statement to Bill Oreilly.