Photo Credit: AllHipHop
(AllHipHop News) MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry was recently honored by ImageNation’s Revolution Awards. As the recipient of the Ida B. Wells award — Perry, who does not label herself as a “journalist” — was flattered by the “huge honor.” Within this AllHipHop exclusive, Perry, discussed several controversial subjects.
Having earned her national platform though an unconventional route, Perry, had the courage to openly expound upon her beliefs. With a matter-of-fact demeanor, she mentioned that a lack of diversity in local and in national newsrooms has helped to skew the public’s perception of reality.
Other issues like the #BlackLivesMatter movement soon surfaced. Although she contends that it suffers from its “imperfections,” as did any other social movement, Perry does advocate its message. She stated, “clearly more disruptions, less status-quo, and more pushing back is relevant.”
As the topic of politics sashayed into the scene, Melissa made it clear that she’s less worried about Donald Trump being elected than she is with future representation on the Supreme Court. “The next President is going to get at least two to as many of four justices.” The convo wouldn’t be complete if Hip-Hop didn’t make its entrance.
As a first generation Hip-Hop supporter, the biased host broke down her beef with the worldwide genre. She said, “For me, the single biggest problem is, I just want to hear more women’s voices.” Soon she would demonstrate her inherent respect for Nicki Minaj’s “powerful” voice.
“So, I think about Nicki’s voice and how powerful it is to me, in part because Nicki plays these different roles. I like being able to move across between gender identities,” she revealed before adding, “I like that Nicki will take your woman and your man, right. I like that Nicki can play soft and also play hard. Sometimes I need a woman’s voice to do that.”
Do you agree with Melissa’s stance that Nicki Minaj possesses a powerful voice that resonates with the public?