Nelly’s Girlfriend “Miss Jackson” Says Rape Accusers Are Lying

(AllHipHop News) Nelly’s longtime girlfriend Shantel Jackson has finally broken her silence over a series of rape allegations leveled at the rapper. Three women maintain Nelly has developed a systemized way of sexually assaulting female fans. In October of 2017, a woman named Monique Greene went to police with claims the rapper had raped her […]

(AllHipHop News) Nelly’s longtime girlfriend Shantel Jackson has finally broken her silence over a series of rape allegations leveled at the rapper.

Three women maintain Nelly has developed a systemized way of sexually assaulting female fans.

In October of 2017, a woman named Monique Greene went to police with claims the rapper had raped her on his tour bus, after a concert in Washington.

Although Nelly was never charged with a crime, Monique Greene filed a civil suit against the rapper earlier this week.

In Greene’s most complaint, two other unnamed women came forward to make shocking claims against the Saint Louis rap star, who is accused of masturbating in front of the women and attempting to force one to have oral sex against her will.

Shantel, aka “Miss Jackson,” has been quiet since the news broke in October.

But, she recently took to her Instagram account to offer up her support for Nelly, while downplaying the accusations against the rapper.

“Look… I know he f##ked up and we’re dealing with that in our relationship to rebuild it and find trust. Having to go through all of this publicly is the worst feeling ever. But this should not open the door for false claims,” Shantel Jackson said.

According to Shantel, she was present at the U.K. shows in question, which she claims is proof that the women are lying.

“Those dates these Jane Doe’s are claiming, I was at those venues, in the dressing rooms, and on that tour bus,” Shantel wrote in a statement.

“There are women dealing with real issues of sexual assault and for the first time people are listening and there is a chance for real change,” she continued. “But all of this work is discredited and makes things harder for the survivors when people lie.”

Shantel may have some legal problems of her own brewing too, over claims she stole cash and ran up the credit cards of her ex-boyfriend, Floyd Mayweather.

Shantel just filed documents in court answering Floyd’s lawsuit against, claiming the boxer approved of her spending sprees until they broke up.