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NYU Backs Founding of Hip-Hop Education Center

NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development have confirmed a partnership with the Hip-Hop Association (H2A) to launch the Hip-Hop Education (H2Ed) Center for Research, Evaluation, and Professional Development.   The H2Ed Center aims to ignite education reform by uniting national art programs and educational institutions for the purpose of the study and […]

P. Miller, Romeo, and Walmart Sponsor Living the Dream Telethon

Hip-Hop entrepreneur P. Miller and son Romeo have joined with Walmart to give financial support to the community-centered Living Dream Telethon.   Founded by social activists Ladell Beamon and Percy Townes, the Living the Dream Telethon focuses on bringing mainstream awareness to the poverty, crime, and subpar education of Memphis’ inner-city children.   Through his […]

Nate Mathers Busted For DUI

Eminem’s rapping brother Nate Mathers was arrested early yesterday morning in a Detroit suburb and charged with drunken driving.   According to the Associated Press, Nate Mathers, who raps under the alias Nate Kane, was stopped by police when he failed to yield for an ambulance.   He failed a sobriety test, which revealed that […]