Rapper Who Hit #1 On Charts Is Running For City Council!

(AllHipHop News) A member of Lords Of The Underground is taking his activism to the next level with a bid for city council. Dupré Kelly “ Doitall” from the legendary platinum hip-hop selling group, which hit big with singles like “Chief Rocka” and “Funky Child,” is running for Newark City Council in New Jersey. Doitall […]

(AllHipHop News) A member of Lords Of The Underground is taking his activism to the next level with a bid for city council.

Dupré Kelly “ Doitall” from the legendary platinum hip-hop selling group, which hit big with singles like “Chief Rocka” and “Funky Child,” is running for Newark City Council in New Jersey.

Doitall is now an official candidate on the ballot for the upcoming May 8, 2018 in Newark, NJ after turning in over 2,000 petitions!

DoItAll has been extremely active and engaging during the Campaign with both feet on the ground!

According to a press release, as Councilman at Large, Dupré Kelly wants to address several issues:

Lack of funding for Youth Programming and Summer Jobs.

In order to secure a better tomorrow for us all, we must make greater investments in our youth today. This year over 5,000 Newark youth applied to the Mayor’s summer youth program. Because of funding constraints the City was only able to roughly employ 2,500 students. By expanding private investment by $2 million for the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program we can truly leave no child behind.

Initiate Greater Activities through Arts & Culture.

It is through Dupré Kelly’s extensive artistic experience he believes that the arts drive creativity and creativity spurs jobs creation. The latest data from the Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account ( A collaboration of the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)) reveals that the arts and cultural sector contributed $729.6 billion or 4.2 percent to the U.S. economy that year. Between 1998 and 2014, the contribution of arts and culture to the nation’s gross domestic product grew by 35.1 percent. Locally, in 2016 Newark’s Arts and Culture Industry generated $178.3 million annually, providing residents income of $133.7M and supporting 4,963 jobs.

Lack of Civic Engagement (Neighborhood Inclusion).

We must begin to move the wards out of their individual cultural silos. Encourage a new philosophy on the City Council to move away with protectionist attitudes and work together to serve the interest of the entire city. Doitall will work with stakeholders to make sure the neighborhoods are included in our current economic renaissance. Doitall will create a massive ward by ward initiative encouraging our seniors to volunteer in mentoring and assisting our youth through our city programs.