(AllHipHop News) Negative fallout over a controversial rap song made by a Fort Stewart soldier continued Wednesday (February 17).
A federal court judge denied Spc. Marc Halls request to keep his court-martial trial in the U.S., and allowed the Army to transfer him to Kuwait to face for the proceedings.
The ruling, which was announced via a release from the U.S. Attorneys Office, resulted after the court found that it was bound by longstanding precedent in abstaining from court-martial proceedings against service personnel.”
Wednesdays decision by Chief Federal District Court Judge William T. Moore, Jr. is the latest development in the ongoing case against Hall, who is facing court-martial over charges of making threats against other soldiers in this song, Stop Loss.
Media sources report the song was written as Halls response to being stop-lossed from being discharged and ordered to serve a second tour of Iraq. In the song, which was posted on Halls personal website and mailed to the Pentagon, Hall expresses his anger while rapping about going on a shooting spree.
The serviceman is charged with distributing original songs wrongfully threatening acts of violence against members of his unit, as well as conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the armed forces, and threatening to go on a rampage against his commanders.
A habeas corpus petition for a temporary restraining order to prevent the Halls deployment to Kuwait for the court-martial proceedings was filed by the soldiers attorneys on Monday (Feb. 15).
According to the petition, the move would violate their clients right to a fair trial as well as significantly compromise his ability to defend himself.
Hall is currently serving time in Liberty County Jail outside Fort Stewart, where has been since being charged in December.
The Army plans to hold Halls court-marital in Iraq, where prosecution witnesses in his unit are now located. Despite the restraining order being denied, officials say that Halls petition is still active in district court.