Read Meek Mill’s Mom’s Open Letter To “Lady Justice”

(AllHipHop News) Meek Mill’s mother has written an op-ed calling for the liberation of her son, who is currently incarcerated in Pennsylvania for two to four years. Meek’s lawyers have been petitioning against the harsh punishment claiming Genece Brinkley, the judge who sentenced him, was biased when she imprisoned the rap star for probation violations, […]

(AllHipHop News) Meek Mill’s mother has written an op-ed calling for the liberation of her son, who is currently incarcerated in Pennsylvania for two to four years.

Meek’s lawyers have been petitioning against the harsh punishment claiming Genece Brinkley, the judge who sentenced him, was biased when she imprisoned the rap star for probation violations, relating to a decade old drug and firearms case.

His mother Kathy Williams wrote a piece to “Lady Justice” which was published on Billboard.

“I was always taught — and always believed — that you, Lady Justice, were fair, impartial and balanced,” Kathy Williams wrote. “That was until you took my son from me at the tender age of 19. His whole life he was struggling with the death of his father and the void of my presence since I worked three jobs to keep the lights on. In fact, he would hardly utter a word and mostly stayed quiet until he started rhyming.

“My son was given a gift and he has been able to flourish with it, a gift that’s more like a savior,” Williams continued. “It has introduced him globally to many and given him opportunities to grow as a professional and as an individual. Like all of us, he has had ups and downs but always pushes forward with hope and a sense of survival.”

“The problem is that the justice system has failed my son at every turn and hasn’t let go. You, Lady Justice, have allowed corruption at the highest levels of the system, and cruelty and spite have cast doubt on your very foundation. You are supposed to balance fairness and blindly always do what’s right, yet injustice has taken 11 years of our lives.”

In recent weeks, Philly’s D.A., as well as Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf have called for and supported Meek’s release in a case that has reached the state’s Supreme Court.

Check out the full op-ed.