(AllHipHop News) Wu-Tang Clan member RZA connected with the people yesterday by doing an Ask Me Anything session with Reddit users. Bobby Digital was asked about various topics related to the Wu including the thought process behind blocking commercial use of the group’s one-of-a-kind Once Upon A Time In Shaolin album.
RZA also answered questions about the woman that was accused of having sex with the entire Wu-Tang Clan on a recent episode of Divorce Court. His AMA included the music artist/filmmaker discussing some of his personal favorites in music and movies as well.
[ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Masta Killa Talks Upcoming Solo Project + Wu-Tang’s “A Better Tomorrow” & “Once Upon A Time In Shaolin” LPs]
Check out some of the exchanges from RZA’s Ask Me Anything session below.
Why are you releasing an album that no one will ever hear? What’s the motivation behind that when so many people have been waiting so many years for this?
My answer is: I’ve released a lot of music and different albums for people to enjoy, or not enjoy.
And the album you are referring to, Once Upon A Time in Shaolin, is a singular, unique piece of art.
And it’s singular.
Just as the Mona Lisa.
Hey RZA. If you had to pick only one hip hop album to listen to for the rest of your life, not including Wu Tang affiliated ones, which album would it be?
If I had to choose one album, which one would it?
I would go with… Eric B. & Rakim, “Paid in Full.”
What do you think is the most glaring difference between hip hop now and when you first started?
Variety and versatility.
RZA. First thank you for the many years of Wu Wisdom. What is your fondest memory Russell Jones – ODB – Baby Jesus?
I have so many fond memories, that I will never say what the fondest is.
But I will share one witchu.
ODB came out of his car to lift a car off a little girl to save her life.
It’s an example of the warmth of his heart that wasn’t showed a lot to the public.
What do you think of the dude on Divorce Court who said his girlfriend had sex with the whole Wu-Tang Clan?
Uh… Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nothin’ to f### with.
Everyone wants to know if he can confirm this...
Look: this lady, she says clearly, that she did not have sex with the ENTIRE Wu-Tang Clan. I’m not saying that she didn’t dance with somebody!
Who would you say your favorite up and coming artist is currently? What have you been listening to lately?
My favorite at the moment is Kendrick Lamar. I’ve been listening to a lot of Drake, Kanye, Big Sean, as far as hip-hop is concerned. But I also spend a lot of time listening to the Arctic Monkeys.
Who’s your favorite non-Wu artist to work with?
In recent times, I had a lot of fun working with the Black Keys.
If you could have ANY superpower, what would it be and why?
I always thought I’d be something like the Silver Surfer, who’s able to use cosmic energy.
And then of course, I always considered myself to be similar to Professor X. Someone who’s dared to help mutants develop themselves, to help artists find themselves. If you take a look at Wu-Tang history, you will notice in the development stages that I remained way in the back. This was because, as the abbot, I was using my power to increase the power of the Brothers.
What’s the best worst old Kung Fu movie you’ve ever seen? Like, the ones that are so bad they’re awesome.
8 Strikes of the Wildcat.
It starts off with 3 guys, just interruptin’ a guy for no reason, walking through the woods, saying they want the book. And they pull out 3 live rats, and start rubbing the rats, and the 3 of these guys, do the rat style – and the only way to beat these guys is through the cat style. So they have to learn the cat style, to beat the rat style. But what makes it great is the hero is a female.
It actually inspired a scene in IRON FISTS, that movie.
These days, do you think of Wu Tang as much of a group or a unit as it was? Or do you think of yourself or the others as individual artists that work together?
I still think of Wu-Tang as a family.
Wu-Tang is the slang, the sword style, and Clan means family.
What is your favourite Wu Tang track, whether solo or as a group?
It always changes.
I think right now, I just really am into the song “Miracle.”