T.I. Debates Where Lil Kim & Nicki Minaj Rank On The “Top 50 Rappers Of All-Time” List

Where do you place the Queen Bee and the Queen of the Barbz in your rankings?

(AllHipHop News) A few weeks ago, the Hip Hop world was consumed with debating the greatest rappers of all time. Tip “T.I.” Harris has now jumped into the conversation with his own “Top 50 Rappers of All-Time” list.

T.I. and a group of guests discussed the rap GOATs on the Atlanta representative’s expediTIously podcast. At one point, the panel had to decide where to rank legendary female rappers Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj.

“It’s between Lil Kim and Nicki. I don’t think we can have both. I don’t think we can have both because they are a direct reflection of one another,” said Harris. 

After a deliberation took place in the room, T.I. announced, “Alright, so, this is what we will be doing, for the slot after Bun B, we have Lil Kim or Nicki Minaj. All in favor of Lil Kim? Alright, well, this is unanimous. The entire table voted for Lil Kim. Let her have the slot. The committee has spoken.”
