T spoke
out at the WebNoize 99 internet music convention in LA last week,
talking about major labels. Ice was keynote speaker on the "Voice
of the Creator" panel. He said: "They (Major labels)
sign you up, turn you out, and keep most of your money."
Artists who choose to sell their albums on the Internet might
still be "hos," he said, but added "they’re acting
as their own pimps." Ice followed Public Enemy’s footsteps
and released 7th Deadly Sin, on the Internet-based Atomic Pop
label. "They’re building a rocket ship and I want to be on
it. they’re basically giving up the secrets. People come up to
me and tell me everything about their business. I’m learning everything
I need to know to do it myself. In five years, everything will
be in place and they’ll be zipping their mouths. By that time,
I’ll be able to fly the ship myself, and it won’t matter who the
f–k’s driving. Make all the connections you can, link onto as
many pages as you can. You can hand out cards on the street that
have the address where people can hear your song. You have to
be willing to do it yourself." We
hear that Ice.