Travis Scott Claims Conspiracy Robbed Him Of His Lamborghini

(AllHipHop News) Travis Scott is suing a car dealership he claims conspired to rob him of his money. The rapper claims he was coaxed into believing he could trust a man named Richard Martinez and his company VIP Services. According to a lawsuit, Travis thought he would be getting the royal treatment with Martinez’ company […]

(AllHipHop News) Travis Scott is suing a car dealership he claims conspired to rob him of his money.

The rapper claims he was coaxed into believing he could trust a man named Richard Martinez and his company VIP Services.

According to a lawsuit, Travis thought he would be getting the royal treatment with Martinez’ company VIP Services, since the business had brokered similar car deals for a number of celebrities, including the Kardashians.

Travis said he decided to plunk down a $70,000 deposit to close a deal for a 2015 Lamborghini Huracan, which is apparently owned by a man named Jorge Maldonado.

The rapper says he sent the money months ago, but he still hasn’t received his Lambo.

According to, Travis believes VIP Services and Maldonado have conspired to scam him out of his five-figure security deposit.

Travis Scott is suing to get the $70,000 back plus damages.