Ultimate Rap League (URL) announced the fifth installment of their franchise tournament, Ultimate Madness 5 and revealed the sixteen rappers competing for the $100,000 cash prize.
The Ultimate Madness 5 contenders were selected in a live draft hosted by CHAMPION’s Jay Blac. Check it out here.
— Ultimate Rap League (@urltv) May 10, 2022FIND OUT WHO IS COMPETING IN BATTLE RAPS MOST RESPECTED TOURNAMENT FOR $100k ON MAY 21ST & 22ND pic.twitter.com/Mo9Urt4eQ6
The first round will be livestreamed for free on Caffeine.tv May 21. The match-ups are as follows:
Nunn Nunn vs. Sheed Happens
Head ice vs. Shooney Da Rapper
Stumbles vs. Real Sikh
Shotgun Suge vs. Swamp
Fonz vs. Pristavia
JC vs. O Red
Geechi Gotti vs. Tru Foe
Real Name Brandon vs. Nu Jerzey Twork
— Ultimate Rap League (@urltv) May 10, 2022
1st matchup
@Its_NunnNunn vs @SheedHappens_
3rd@Riddydaboss x @RealSikh99
4th@RealShotgunSuge x @swamp843
5th@FonzHTC x @PristaviaD
6th@ThekidJ_c x @ored973
7th@bigGeechiMbb x @foe_tru
8th@RealnameBrandon x @NUJERZEYTWORK pic.twitter.com/WIC71SjG6L
The tournament includes a mix of veteran emcees and rising stars, alongside three previous Ultimate Madness winners. Fonz won the first event in the franchise in 2020, while Real Name Brandon was the last person to be crowned Ultimate Madness champion.
Ultimate Madness 5 Trailer
URL – Ultimate Madness 5 – Full Line Up | May 21st pic.twitter.com/guJWfUTn6o
— DEREZ | URLTV (@derez) May 10, 2022
Also among the Ultimate Madness 5 competitors is three-time Champion of the Year Geechi Gotti. He reached the final of the contest, battling Rum Nitty for $100,000 at URL’s Drake-sponsored NOME XI event in June last year. The match was so close that the judges were unable to decide on a winner. Drizzy stepped up and dropped an additional $50k on the prize fund, and the two finalists walked away with a $75k bag.
To Live And Die in LA
Meanwhile, battle rap fans won’t have to wait until Ultimate Madness 5 to get their fix of URL clashes. “To Live And Die In LA,” goes down on Saturday, May 14. Tickets are available for the event, with the battles added to the URL app in the future.
The stacked card features seven battles showcasing some of the best the West Coast has to offer alongside other talented rappers from the URL roster.
Rum Nitty vs. Danny Myers
Chilla Jones vs. Mike P
Emerson Kennedy vs. Kid Chaos
Jey The Nitewing vs. Tink Da Demon
NXT vs. Don Marino
Royalty vs. Bad Newz
Mr. Biscuit vs. Dre Vishiss
Chilla Jones
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Watch a trailer for To Live And Die In LA below and check out more battles on the official URL app.