HA! History is being made and I didn’t even know about it. Ed Lee is the first Asian American mayor of San Francisco – history! But, here is the catch, he is running for an election bid and he’s got a friend in MC Hammer. Hammer is in this retooling of his hit song “2 Legit 2 Quit” from back in the day. Well, this video also features a bunch of people like, San Francisco Giants pitcher Brian Wilson, Google’s Marissa Mayer, and Biz Stone, the co-founder of Twitter. Anyway, if you look really close, you will see illseed too. I support anybody with the last name Lee. LOL! Hammer also recently announced the launch of a search engine to compete with Google. The nuts on this guy! Pause! Here’s WireDoo.
Here is the video:
For those not around in the 90’s, here is the original.
Damn, right James Brown and Alf were both in that bish.