Hip-Hop Rumors: Beanie Riding For Jay? 90’s Shyne Beef? A New Sex Tape?

DISCLAIMER: All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.BEANIE SIGEL STILL RIDING FOR JAY-Z????? Whoa. Stop the presses. I just got word that Beanie Sigel has recorded a diss towards The Game on Jay-Z behalf. Now, I […]



content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual

info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.BEANIE SIGEL STILL RIDING FOR JAY-Z?????


Stop the presses. I just got word that Beanie Sigel has recorded a diss towards The Game on Jay-Z behalf. Now, I am not sure how real this s, but its not unthinkable. My “sources” have heard the diss and say that is it a “Game changer” and could be “Game over.” I MUST admit, Game is a beast in the diss department so it is hard for me to theorize a diss of that magnitude. But, lest we not forget what Beanie Sigel did to Jadakiss a ways back. Ouch. That was a different time, different era. Rap wasn’t so WWE back then. Anyway, if Beanie has jumped into this fray, it would totally change the landscape. I don’t think it frees Jay up, but it certainly makes it a bit easier. We need Beanie back in rap anyway. Diss or no diss, much love to Beanie Sigel.

And shout out to The Game. I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but I AM A FAN of GAME. If you don’t know, look at my track record…its all in the rumors. I guess, I really want to see a battle of some sort with him and Jay-Z…you know? I want to see more! This is fun! And, I really know The Game is not to be played with. Dude will never stop dissing FOREVER!

I’m not going to release the audio YET, but I got an instrumental of a song called “Hail Hova” and…. its damn ill. The track is very avant gard and different.


When I think something is BS, I call it just that. With that said, I got a rumor from somebody representing a songwriter called Gunhi. Now, they are claiming this dude used to date or something with Tahiry and has a tape that he expects to reveal to the world. I apparently the guy wrote a song about her too. Go figure.


Now, that Shyne us about to get out, the rumors are on fire! And they are suggesting that after nearly 10 years, Shyne may come out with beef. This is purely rumor right now, but there is a crazy rumor about Lil’ Kim and Lil Cease beating up Shyne for sounding too much like Biggie Smalls. Kim let Shyne have it on her CD The Notorious K.I.M. The rumors are swirling that there was a fight at Daddy’s House Studios back in ‘99. The source was so detailed to say that it was the same day Kim did her photo shoot for OUT Magazine. AND, I heard that one of Big’s closest associates was arrested for shooting a gun at Shyne. Wow. I don’t know how true this stuff is, but it sure paints a different picture of that period. I wonder why they weren’t more upset with Diddy? Anyway, they say this is why Shyne was real cool with Foxy Brown, because she showed love back.


If you heard that Lil Wayne was shot and killed in a gang problem, that would be wrong. Weezy is still alive and that is a good thing. Apparently, there was some sort of issue that Wayne and the Bloods AND Crips had a beef. They are saying that he got shot! Sheeesh…these are the worse rumors. Anyway, NO Wayne was just struck six times and NO it wasn’t a 9mm that hit him and NO it was not in his native Louisiana. He wasn’t even home when this rumor started.


Streets are talking. It looks like Jay-Z’s “We Run This Town” video is going to have some sort of martial arts theme. I am not sure where this came from, but there has been an open casting call that has requested the following for the actors in “We Run This Video.” It reads:

Non-Union Jujitsu Guys: Males, any ethnicity, 20’s-30’s for music video. You should be skilled in jujitsu. Please submit only if you are a perfect match.

I was kidding about the ninja stuff, but if you know how ninja is used in the “hood,” you would know there is a double meaning there. Shout out to anybody that’s got that martial arts thing going on.


Check this out, there was an AllHipHop event yesterday, but nobody at AllHipHop even knew! How’d that happen? Whoa! Anyway, that’s a different conversation for a different day. The event was at SOB’s last night and Jay Rock and Triple C’s were there without Ross. I heard the show was excellent, even thought nobody on the staff knew about it. My sources were in the building though and they I was told by a person with good ears that somebody asked Gunplay about what allegedly happened down in Miami surrounding that shootout. Well, Gunplay knows the laws of the streets when its a real situation -keep your mouth shut! And that is exactly what he did, offered nothing. You can take that how you want to take it.


Now, I totally ignored this when I first saw it, but now I can’t. The international rumor mill is on fire, with the notion that Lady Gaga might be a hermaphrodite. There is an image on the net that seems to show her having a bozacker coming out of her mini-dress. This would definitely affect her allure, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. I’m sure there are folks that would like her even more if she was both man and woman. Here is an alleged quote by the one they call Gaga.

“Its not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that i go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but i consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesn’t interfere much with my life. the reason I haven’t talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. i have both a p### and a peener. big f*cking deal.

– L8d Gaga


A mother has been arrested after she dragged her son through a store on a leash. The woman was frustrated in a cell phone store at her kid that had a tantrum. Well, she decided to take it to the gutter and dragged the kid through the store. They said that the kid had it partially around the child’s neck. Nobody quite knows all that happened, but the women must not know that people and even KIDS know to call the police when something like this happens. Anyway, she is now charged with a FELONY over it. After looking at the video, I don’t know that this warrants a felony. Check it out.


This boy is literally a fail. I just read a story in the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution sent to me by L.Nesby and it really just made me sad. A 20 year old BOY is going down for the murder of Vernon Forrest. I know this isn’t new, but the explanation in the paper is. Damario Ware is now being charged with murder, aggravated assault and armed robbery in the shooting death of Forrest. Here is the saddest fail of this fail. Yes, I meant fail of a fail. Dude, this guy has a fail inside of a fail. This guy only tried to ROB Vernon Forrest. He failed at that and ended up being chased away as Forrest followed him. He escaped at that time. When Forrest was walking back to the car, he encountered another person, not affiliated with Ware that had a gun. THAT man pulled the trigger. Ware’s failed attempt to rob Vernon Forrest was merely the catalyst to the murder. Now, he’s got a murder rap. SMH. What the Forrest family is already mad about is what seems to be the police’s desire to get Ware to “snitch” on the others in exchange for a deal. He didn’t really do the killing, but he seems to know who did. Police say more arrests are coming soon.

I have to ask: What would you do if you were Damario Ware?


Coco let a DJ squeeze her butt to prove that is is, in fact, read.


All Nick Cannon wants to do is be a good spouse. LOL.


Mase is working very hard on his return to rap. I have to be honest, I don’t know that people are going to go for this one. He’s working out a deal with Diddy. Here is the clip.


What they are asking is, “Is that lil/ boy with him his son that is now a rapper?”


I’m just saying…what is Meth saying? Listen up! This might start the beef again!


I just want everybody to know that Foxy Brown has a spell over somebody at AHH. Anyway, she has totally debunked the rumor of her arrest.

Swine flu gets worse in the fall and the winter? Wow. If you are pregnant or young, you are more at risk. I had no idea. SMH at this man-made mess.

Shout out to Bill Clinton for being so macked out that he got Laura Ling and Euna Lee freed from North Korea. Son should call himself General Clinton. See how things can go down.

Please listen to AllHipHop Radio! https://staging.allhiphop.com/allhiphopradio/

I’m getting people reminding me about certain rumors. One rumor from Jan. 08 just came true this year!

Ron Browz is reportedly working on new music with somebody…oh yea, Bobby V.

They are saying Shyne is getting out Oct. 6th. Bad Boy!

Usher’s next album is going to come out in December of this year.

Michael Jackson’s family has reportedly hired private detectives to investigate the murder…or death of their son.

This is getting boring. There is another rumor that Chris Brown and Rihanna are together again. She’s tossed the restraining order.




Keri Hilson and I were short lived but she is BACK!


This lil nerd girl is dancing like one of those shakers at Carnival or something. I don’t know why this is an epic win…it just feels like one.


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They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry!




WHAT: Rumors

WHERE: AllHipHop.com, MySpace.com/TheIllseed

HOW: Send your rumors and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.