Jim Jones And 50 Cent…Gets Interesting: “Lets Shoot The Fade”

(AllHipHop Rumors) I cannot get a grasp on this Jim Jones / 50 Cent thing. I thought they were playing around, when they were both comparing how many weights they can lift. And it was just a bunch of testosterone gone wild. It was cool. A pair of quintessential New York OG’s going back and […]

(AllHipHop Rumors) I cannot get a grasp on this Jim Jones / 50 Cent thing. I thought they were playing around, when they were both comparing how many weights they can lift. And it was just a bunch of testosterone gone wild. It was cool. A pair of quintessential New York OG’s going back and forth. But, today Jim offered to shoot the fade with 50 Cent. He also thanked 50 Cent for the free promo for his latest album, Wasted Talent. (Jim, where is our interview?!) Now, it feels like its turning into something else. Check this out.


50 Cent brushed it off, but I didn’t get the impression this is a joke.

And suddenly, Fif takes a bee-line to the left.


I know better. This is theatrics, especially from 50 Cent. Both men are big so we know, a punch is a bunch. Jim has taken L’s that we know of. So has 50, but 50’s always have involved guns. So, its cool, but this won’t happen. If it do, it would be legendary!

I will say this: Jim living life.


Happy Birthday, Chrissy!