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Hip-Hop Rumors: Rihanna Worships Satan?! Snoop Wants Blood?! Usher’s Single Again!

DISCLAIMER: All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on.The Homey Chance is going to take it from here.CHANCE ENCOUNTERS!SNOOP CRAVING BLOOD???Apparently Snoop is a big fan of True Blood, a show on HBO about vampires…he even references […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Rappers To Sue US Gov? Hip-Hop Cop Defends Wayne?? Chuck D Talks More Gucci Mane!

DISCLAIMER: All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. FOLLOW FRIDAY: Me: http://twitter.com/illseed THE DAILY TWO SENSE F**K NEW YORK!!! Just kidding! I said that instead of saying “The Daily Two Sense.” Why? Well, I want people […]