Playboi Carti is known for being an enigmatic figure in rap – erratic, wild and has amassed a loyal following to match. He’s dope though and has one of the best albums of the year even if it hit last Christmas day. So, Playboi Carti is not really in the news too much and that’s good. Iggy Azalea pretty much has dragged him and, more recently, my girl Rico Nasty said that his fans have damn near driven her to suicide. His tour is called Narcissist Tour. ANYWAY…I have some rumors, but the source made me blot out some of the details. I cannot blow up my sources!
So, we all know about the Travis Scott situation that happened back in November, where numerous people were killed. Travis was blamed, but there are numerous others on the hook. (Read about that here!) Congress is getting involved! Crazy. So, Travis’s situation is so bad that it overshadowed something that happened at a spot date on the Narcissist Tour.
I was told that a certain LOCATION was totally torn up by Carti and the crew. One of my kinfolks told me that it was a “mob scene.” The “green room” that reportedly housed the rapper was allegedly razed up so bad that they had to remodel the whole thing. This venue, like most venues, have multiple uses. My source tells me that they demolished it like they were the only ones that would ever use it again.
Maybe Playboi Carti and his people were upset because the older workers at said venue refused to help in the room. They said he was “the devil.” Now, I have never referred to homie Carti as such, but they may be church ladies or something. Long story short: They had to import some other workers, mostly younger and cooler, to help out in the room. That did not result in a better outcome, according to who I spoke to.
Carti reportedly told the handlers to color co-ordinate his Skittles. WHAT!!!

Well, even the younger ones that felt like they were built to handle Cardi refused to do that. He also reportedly asked the specific religious beliefs of a certain person helping out. And, those in attendance said that Carti’s crew all had upside down crosses on them in some form or fashion.
At any rate, the room was destroyed. And that was not the end of it.
At the end of the NIGHT, arms and elbows were broken. A face was slashed and a girl’s nose was broken!!! All of this happened, but the venue refused to shine any light on it, because they did not want the madness and insanity to reflect poorly on THEM.
I clearly was not there, but I would imagine…it was something like the “Sky” video.