R. Kelly’s Manager Had To Work Hard…To Keep Him Away From Underage Girls!

Author: Rico Panacea (@RicoPanacea) (AllHipHop Rumors) Questions have always surrounded singer R. Kelly and more information about him is being revealed in a documentary. The documentary premiered this week on BBC 3. One of the biggest mysteries has surrounded Kelly’s relationship with singer Aaliyah. In the documentary, “R. Kelly: Sex, Girls, Videotapes,” his former manager […]

Author: Rico Panacea (@RicoPanacea)

(AllHipHop Rumors) Questions have always surrounded singer R. Kelly and more information about him is being revealed in a documentary.

The documentary premiered this week on BBC 3. One of the biggest mysteries has surrounded Kelly’s relationship with singer Aaliyah.

In the documentary, “R. Kelly: Sex, Girls, Videotapes,” his former manager confirms that Kelz did have a marriage ceremony with Aaliyah and he was present. He also claims that he would have to keep R. Kelly from talking to underage girls.

“There’s been several times where I’ve had to say ‘no, that’s not going to happen’ because of the age of the person,” R. Kelly’s old manager Rocky Bivens said. “I didn’t care if he got mad at me. Because it was a choice with me.”

For those who don’t know, a marriage license was published showing a 27-year-old R. Kelly was married to an 18-year-old Aaliyah. The only problem is that Aaliyah wasn’t 18 and was actually 15 years old at the time of the nuptials.

The marriage didn’t last long. Aaliyah’s family helped make sure the marriage was later annulled.