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Daily Word: Be Delusionally Optimistic!!

Peace and blessings, my warriors of light! Welcome to the day that you admit there is something complete wrong with the way you think! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being Delusionally Optimistic! If you look in the dictionary the word ‘delusion’ is defined as a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to […]

Daily Word: Make Your Dream Happen! (No Excuses)

Happy Tuesday! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to excuses! ‘Those who really want something make it happen, those who don’t make excuses! Life is abundant and will give you everything your heart desires if you are willing to do what’s necessary to get it! Stop finding excuses as to why you are not getting what […]

Daily Word: Fearlessly Be Yourself!!

Happy Monday, my creators of life! Welcome to a new week, a new day, and a new opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being who you were meant to be! Effective immediately, we need to stop pretending that we are something that we are not! Effective immediately, we need to […]

Daily Word: Spend Wisely!!!

TGI>>>>>EVERYDAY!!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to spending wisely!!! YOLO!!! You only live once… but as we know, if we do it right, then once is enough! We have big dreams and big aspirations… We don’t have time to deal with anything that won’t help us get […]

Daily Word: Follow Your Lead!!

Happy Thursday, my creature of Greatness!! It’s a new day and a new opportunity to get it right! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to following your own lead! You know more than you think you know! You can do more than you give yourself credit for! If you continue to doubt your abilities, then the […]

Daily Word: Run Away From Easy!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Great people! Welcome to the first of the month! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Running Away from Easy! If you have dreams and aspirations, life will never be easy! The more you want out of life, the more you are going to have to fight for it! Nothing that has been […]

Daily Word: Love Your Life!!!

Happy Tuesday, my Centers of Influence! Welcome to the last day of July, and the last day that you ever doubt yourself again! You are powerful beyond belief! You can have and do anything you put your mind to! But too often, we allow the opinions of the outside world and the dream stealers to […]

Daily Word: Celebrate The New Day!!!

Happy Monday, my Movers and Shakers!! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it the best you possibly can!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to celebrating this new day! Everything that has happened in the past means nothing! Every obstacle you have ever faced has really no bearing on what you […]

Daily Word: Live In The Moment!!!

TGI……Everyday!!!! Welcome to the only day you know you have for sure!! It is estimated that, each day, 70,000 people die worldwide! That’s 70,000 people who no longer can take a breath! 70,000 people who can no longer dream! 70,000 people who have no more chances to take! As you read these words, realize that […]

Daily Word: Take Your Big Break!!

Happy Thursday, my destined and Powerful!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to controlling your life! There are some people who want things to happen, then there are those who make them happen! There are people who wish things were different, then there are those who make them different! There are those who dream big dreams, […]

Daily Word: It’s Your Time!! (Use It Wisely!)

Happy Wins-Day!! Welcome to NOW!! Welcome to TODAY!!! Welcome to the day you realize how precious your time is, and the day you begin to make the best of it! You have 86,000 seconds, 1,440 minutes, and 24 hours each day to make your life happen! Yeah it’s true… YOLO!! You only live once…… but […]

Daily Word: Never Stay Defeated!!

Happy Tuesday, my soldiers and survivors! Welcome to the day that makes yesterday a thing of the past!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to never staying defeated! I have no idea who Murphy is, but apparently he has a law that says if anything can go wrong it will… While this was the case for […]

Daily Word: Go With The Flow!!!

Happy Monday, my Warriors of Light! Welcome to the beginning of a new week and an opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to going with the flow! Life is as easy as you allow it to be! The answers to life’s questions and what you ought to be doing […]

Daily Word: Break The Rules!! (Do It Your Way!!!)

Fearless Friday, my movers and shakers!! Welcome to the the end of a great week, and the beginning of the new you! Today’s Daily Word is Anti-Conventional Wisdom! Today’s Daily Word is about Breaking the Rules, and Doing it Your Way! Conventional wisdom is cool, but sometimes, following what others say will close the door […]

Daily Word: Become More!!!

Happy Takeover Thursday!! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to becoming more! No one is destined to be a certain way! No one has a pre-determined fate that will happen to them no matter what! The life you live is all […]

Daily Word: Love More, Fear Less!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Victors of Life! Welcome to the day that you begin to decide which way you really want your life to go! Love or Fear? In life, those are the only two emotions in which every single decision is based! When you are not doing what you ought to be doing, it is […]

Daily Word: You Are Your Possibilities!!

Great Day, my Great People! Welcome to the day you realize who you really are, and how far you can really go!!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your possibilities!! You are not your past! You are not your current situation! You are not the struggles that present themselves each passing day!! You are your […]

Daily Word: Be Persistent!!!

Happy Monday, my Destined and Determined! Welcome to the greatest week of your life! Today marks the beginning of the day you decide which way you want your life to go. Being mediocre or being extraordinary is all a choice! Choosing the former shows lack of persistence, faith, and determination. Choosing the latter clearly shows […]

Daily Word: Set The World On Fire!!!

Great morning, my great people!! Welcome to the only day you know you have for sure! Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet to come! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Setting the World on Fire!!!!!!!!! If you believe you were put on this earth merely to be one of the rest, then you are […]