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Daily Word: Have Your Moment of Clarity!!!

Glorious Thursday, my Warriors of Light! Welcome to the day you begin to see more clearly! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your moment of clarity! Despite all of the questions you may have, despite all of the confusion that currently exists, there will come a time where you will have your moment of clarity! […]

Daily Word: Stop Being Average!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Over-Achievers! Welcome to an above-average day where you can make the above-average happen! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to saying no to the mediocre and yes to excellence! When you become average, you would rather be certain you’re miserable, than risk being happy! When you risk being happy, you only do the […]

Daily Word: Give and You Shall Receive!!

Happy Tuesday, my talented trailblazers! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to giving! For many years, there has been a big misconception that has been plaguing our society. For a very long time, we were being told that “a closed mouth doesn’t get […]

Daily Word: Do It Now!! (Tomorrow Is Too Late)

Happy Monday, my dreamers and doers! Today is the start of a great week, and the beginning of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to procrastination! No scratch that! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to action! We all have dreams and aspirations, but in order for those dreams to come true, […]

Daily Word: Come Back From Your Setbacks!!

Happy Friday, my stubborn and persistent! Welcome to the end of a great week and the beginning of your glorious comeback! If I said this once, then I said this twice…. There is absolutely nothing in this universe that can stop you but you!! And if for some reason you don’t believe this as true, […]

Daily Word: Be Rich With Opportunity!!

Happy Thursday, my Blessed and Fortunate! Welcome to the day you realize how good you really have it! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being rich with opportunity! Everyone has struggles, everyone deals with obstacles on a daily basis…. This is just how life is…. But blessed is the person who realizes this and makes […]

Daily Word: Be A Willing Learner!!

Happy Tuesday, my Studious Life Learners! Welcome to a wonderful day and a wonderful opportunity to learn something new! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to life lessons! There are always lessons to be learned for those willing to learn them! Some people only look at life and its circumstances as good or bad, but sometimes […]

Daily Word: Stand Tall, Stand Firm!!

Happy Monday, my strong and uncompromising! Welcome to a new month, new week, new day, and a new opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to standing tall and standing firm! Never compromise who you are, no matter what your predicament or circumstance! Many times, life will make you feel […]

Daily Word: Think Differently!!

Greetings and Blessings! Peace and Salutations! Welcome to the day in which you begin to change your perspective on life. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to thinking differently! There is no good or bad! Easy or difficult is an opinion! Positive or negative is not a fact! The way you view and respond to things […]

Daily Word: Accept Your Greatness!!!

Great Morning, my Great People!!! Welcome to the day that you say “Rest in Peace” to mediocrity! The day that you stop being afraid of failure or what people will say or think about you! The day that you finally let your light shine the way it was intended to shine! The day that you […]

Daily Word: Guarantee Your Satisfaction!!

Happy Monday my focused and fulfilled!! Welcome to the beginning of the best week of your life!! Yesterday is said and done, so what you do with today is what will matter most!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being content! Despite conditions, circumstances, environment, or opportunities, people will be as happy as they allow […]

Daily Word: Have No Mercy!!!

Peace and blessings, my talented and tenacious! Welcome to another day and another opportunity to do it the best! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Having No Mercy!! Most people never accomplish all that they have set forth for themselves because they allow their excuses to outweigh their commitment to succeed! They let themselves off […]

Daily Word: It's Already Yours!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Masters of Fate! Welcome to the day you officially stop wishing, hoping, and praying for your success! Today is the day that you realize that all you are asking for is already in your possession! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to claiming what is already yours! If the only prayer you ever […]

Daily Word: Get Over Yourself!!!

Greeting and Salutations! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to self-pity, ungratefulness, complaints, pessimism, and ego! Disclaimer: The following views are not necessarily those of the mediocre, but of those who understand the secret to being successful in life! What I’m about to say may seem harsh, but it is a truth that needs to be […]

Daily Word: Don't Stop The Unstoppable!!

Happy Monday, my Pushy and Persistent! Welcome to the beginning of your life-changing week! This week will bring with it many of the opportunities that you worked so hard for! The only trick is to recognize them when they come, and take full advantage. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Not Stopping!! Starting immediately, I […]